Center for Business and Environment
Wind and solar farms

Clean and Equitable Energy Development

Published: November 2023


The Yale Clean and Equitable Energy Development Certificate Program (CEED) is an online training program to support efforts to shift away from carbon-intense energy resources and towards a clean and equitable energy future.

Developed by the Yale Center for Business and the Environment (CBEY) and the Yale Center for Environmental Justice (YCEJ), CEED is a 100% virtual online certificate program that equips you with the knowledge, frameworks, and skills required to tackle challenges and advance opportunities towards the Just Energy Transition.

CEED online certificate program is an excellent opportunity to gain the proficiency and experience you need to excel in the rapidly growing industry of justice-centered renewable energy development. 

CEED online certificate program is founded on systemic thinking and the ability to critically evaluate and promote effective policy, research, and project implementation. These critical thinking skills are then coupled with highly sought practical knowledge, real-world examples, and guest speakers who are currently deploying this work in their careers. Within this program, you will learn how to design or redesign clean energy projects so that they can immediately spur the transition to a clean, affordable, and equitable energy future. 

Taught by a combination of Yale faculty and frontline practitioners, you will learn:

the foundational theory and practice of environmental and climate justice,​

diverse approaches to energy justice, and​

the nuts and bolts of renewable energy project development.

CEED’s curriculum will most benefit:

Individuals from a frontline community ready to move into the driver's seat of your own clean energy transition.

Long-time or emerging clean energy professionals ready to upskill their ability to participate in a Just Energy Transition. 

Advocates or community leaders passionate about equitable energy solutions. 

Policymakers eager to drive change at all levels of government. 

Individuals looking to understand the role of energy justice within their organization or community. 

Join CEED to become part of a resilient and equitable energy future for all!

Upcoming Admissions Events 

April 24th, 2024, from 12 pm to 1 pm ET - CEED Informational Webinar 

May 2nd, 2024, from 12 pm to 1 pm ET - Ask Me Anything Session #1 

May 8th, 2024, from 12 pm to 1 pm ET - Ask Me Anything Session #2 

June 5th, 2024, from 12 pm to 1 pm ET - Ask Me Anything Session #3 


Program Takeaways

  • You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize energy injustice, tackle energy inequality, and lead efforts toward the Just Energy Transition.
  • You will learn how to make energy systems more equitable and mitigate negative impacts on those disproportionately affected by energy production and consumption.
  • You will be part of a network that connects professionals, advocates, and local leaders working for clean, affordable, and fair energy systems.
Applications for the Fall 2025 cohort open on March 25 and close on May 26, 2025.


This program is entirely online and includes both synchronous and asynchronous components.

12 Weeks
Tuition for the Fall and Spring cohorts of CEED's 2024-2025 academic year is $4,500. Scholarships and financial aid are available.
Non-Credit Certificate