Digital Marketing: A Strategic Perspective
Published: January 2024
This eight-week online program will equip you with the practical and strategic skills to enhance your organization’s overall customer experience. As you interact with other participants from across the globe, you’ll learn the importance of data-driven strategies and lead-generation techniques and discover how to use the latest digital marketing tools to drive better performance.
This program is designed for executives, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and marketing professionals who want to drive business growth in the digital age. Once you’ve completed the program, you’ll understand the function of digital marketing within your organization and be able to use your knowledge in your next integrated strategies.
Course Takeaways
- Learn practical digital marketing skills, including tactics to drive lead generation and conversions.
- Implement a real-world integrated digital marketing strategy.
- Learn how to use data and digital marketing tools to make informed business decisions.
Meet the Instructors
K. Sudhir is James L. Frank ’32 Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise and Management and Founder-Director of the Yale China India Insights Program at the Yale School of Management, where he has been a faculty member since 2001. He is Professor of Economics (by courtesy) at the Yale Economics Department. He leads the academic-industry interface for quantitative marketing at the Yale Center for Customer Insights (YCCI). He has been a Visiting Fellow at various universities around the world including MIT, Toronto, HKUST and INSEAD. He served as Visiting Fellow at Microsoft Research for the year 2020. Professor Sudhir served as Editor-in-Chief of Marketing Science, the premier journal in the field of quantitative marketing from 2016-21. During his term, founded the Frontiers Section at Marketing Science. Previously, he had been an Associate Editor at all of the field’s leading quantitative marketing journals.
Sudhir’s substantive interests include customer relationship management, digital marketing and artificial intelligence, marketing organizations and emerging markets. As a pioneer in the use of structural empirical methods in marketing, he developed fundamental models in the areas of customer management, salesforce management and compensation, organizational buying and marketing channels. His papers use a wide range of methods including machine learning, quasi-experiments, field experiments and game theory. Sudhir’s research has been honored with multiple best paper awards from all of the field’s leading quantitative marketing journals.
Professor Shin’s research focuses on quantitative marketing, marketing strategy, and applied economic theory. He is a leading scholar in marketing strategy, and his research focuses on analytical modeling of strategic interactions between firms and consumers. His several award-winning pieces of research advance our understanding of firms’ strategic decisions in the context of social interactions and digital marketing; in particular, consumer journey in the digital sphere, word of mouth, advertising, pricing strategies, and CRM.
Also, Professor Shin’s research is published in all of the premier academic marketing and economics journals: Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, RAND Journal of Economics, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. For two years in a row (2010, 2011), Shin has been the recipient of the John D. C. Little Best Paper Award, awarded for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science and Management Science. In 2011, he was also named a Marketing Science Institute Young Scholar, a title awarded to “potential leaders of the next generation of marketing academics.” In 2018, he was once again recognized for his influence in the field by being nominated as a Marketing Science Institute inaugural MIS Scholar, a title awarded to “top scholars recognizing individuals’ excellence in scholarship who have already helped to set the research agenda for the field.” He was a recipient of 2020 Inspiring Yale award for inspiring Yale students in and out of the classroom. He now serves as a Vice President of ISMS (INFORMS Society for Marketing Science).