Evolution and Medicine
Published: Sept 2, 2015
This course is a survey of evolutionary insights that make important differences in medical research and clinical practice, including evolutionary mechanisms and the medical issues they affect. Individual genetic variation in susceptibility; evolutionary conflicts and tradeoffs in reproductive medicine; the evolution of antibiotic resistance and virulence in pathogens; emerging diseases; the evolution of aging; cancer as an evolutionary process.
Course Takeaways
- This course is a survey of evolutionary insights that make important differences in medical research and clinical practice, including evolutionary mechanisms and the medical issues they affect.
Meet the Instructors
Stephen Stearns is the Edward P. Bass Professor Emeritus and Evolutionary Biology. Prof. Stearns specializes in life history evolution, which links the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology, and in evolutionary medicine. Life history evolution, evolutionary medicine, and evolutionary genetics and develop innovations in teaching that serve learning.
Stearns Lab