Evolution, Ecology and Behavior
Published: Spring 2009
This course presents the principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior for students beginning their study of biology and of the environment. It discusses major ideas and results in a manner accessible to all Yale College undergraduates. Recent advances have energized these fields with results that have implications well beyond their boundaries: ideas, mechanisms, and processes that should form part of the toolkit of all biologists and educated citizens.
Course Takeaways
- The 3.8 billion year history of micro and macro evolution. How they relate, how they are constricted and are integrated.
Meet the Instructors
Stephen Stearns is the Edward P. Bass Professor Emeritus and Evolutionary Biology. Prof. Stearns specializes in life history evolution, which links the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology, and in evolutionary medicine. Life history evolution, evolutionary medicine, and evolutionary genetics and develop innovations in teaching that serve learning.
Stearns Lab