ELTI landscape panorama hero image

Tropical Forest Landscapes

Published: May 2018


This one-year certificate offered by the Yale School of the Environment (YSE) and Yale’s Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI) explores diverse perspectives on managing tropical landscapes in a dynamic online experience. Courses cover important core concepts, highlight exciting global case studies, and illustrate practical tools for understanding and managing social, ecological, and economic aspects of effective conservation and restoration initiatives.

Learn more at tropicalrestorationcertificate.yale.edu or download the program brochure.

Program Takeaways

  • Explore the importance of tropical forests and develop an understanding of global processes and drivers.
  • Learn about the complex socio-economic and political factors that drive the actions and decisions of stakeholders in forest landscapes.
  • Develop the skills to assess and plan on-the-ground conservation and restoration activities.
  • Learn where funding for conservation and restoration comes from and how to match a project with financial support.
  • Learn underlying principles of project planning, practice techniques, and apply concepts to the project of your choice.
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Online (5-6 hours a week) and option to attend a weeklong immersion. Applications will open in January 2024 for the next admission cycle.

1 year
Tuition: $6,000; Optional field course: $2,000
Non-Credit Certificate